Humanitarian Aid

Rebuilding in the Shadow of the War


After surviving a terrorist attack, Katya's family lost everything. Thanks to your donations, the Joseph Project provided them with beautiful new furniture

Katya and her family were at home on October 7th when a terrorist entered their home while they hid in the safe room. Miraculously, the attacker didn’t see the door, and they were spared. After hours, they were rescued, leaving Kibbutz Nahal Oz behind, mourning neighbors killed by Hamas. They now live in another kibbutz and are unsure when they can return. The trauma has made it impossible to keep their old furniture, so they donated it all and began looking for second-hand items.

Thanks to your donations, the Joseph Project provided them with beautiful new furniture. Katya expressed her deep gratitude, calling it a dream come true.

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
Proverbs 3:34

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