Humanitarian Aid

The Road Ahead in 2024


At present, our team is diligently focused on meeting immediate needs on the ground while concurrently preparing for the long term by replenishing our stock of emergency items. This undertaking holds paramount importance for addressing any potential futur

'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.'
Matthew 25:35,36a


At present, our team is diligently focused on meeting immediate needs on the ground while concurrently preparing for the long term by replenishing our stock of emergency items. This undertaking holds paramount importance for addressing any potential future crises. It is evident that the upcoming months will pose significant challenges here in Israel. Experts are already forecasting an economic downturn of unprecedented proportions, unlike anything experienced in many years. Anticipating a continual surge in needs, we face the daunting reality of potential impediments to importing containers in the forthcoming months due to shippers avoiding the Red Sea and rising charges as a result, with some even halting shipments to Israel due to perceived dangers of Houthi terror attacks.

The time to prepare for the 'day after' is now.

To address this, we've launched a rehabilitation fund aimed at rebuilding and bolstering our emergency supplies. This includes furniture, household items, bedding, blankets, pillows, kitchen utensils and appliances, food, children's books, games, activities, hygiene, and medical supplies. Our aim is to provide substantial support to the families returning home when the time comes.

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